Sunday, November 19, 2006

Will SEO Work for You?

You've heard all the success stories and case studies from search engine optimization (SEO) companies' websites: get search engine rankings, fame and fortune follow. But does it always work that way? As an insider in the SEO field, I can assure you that it doesn't. I've seen too many companies lose money on a successful SEO campaign--SEO that is Pointless. How can you avoid their fate?

First, understand what SEO is and what it isn't. Legitimate search engine optimization doesn't involve shady tactics to "trick" search engines into giving you rankings. Search engines do not take kindly to being tricked. When search engines find out you've manipulated them, your site could be demoted or blacklisted.

Second, define expectations. When dealing with an SEO company, be sure to define what success is. Do write out which search engines you expect to see results on--you probably won't be happy with a #1 ranking on if you're nowhere to be found on Google. Remember that you don't have to be #1 to get traffic, either (although it certainly helps). There are no guarantees in SEO, even if your SEO's cousin's grandma's neighbor's dog walker's wife works at Google.

Beware SEO companies that promise instant #1 rankings. Some legitimate SEO companies may offer a pay-for-performance contract where you pay more or pay only if you achieve top rankings. This model can be quite efficient at motivating your SEO company to get more work done.

Third, know what SEO should deliver. SEO is designed to bring you more "qualified" traffic. SEO isn't just about engineering your website for search engines, it's about engineering, designing, and writing for human visitors as well.

What makes traffic "qualified"? Qualified traffic means that the people visiting your site are already interested in what you sell. Targeting unqualified traffic is like approaching everyone on the street--no matter how cool your business, service or product, not everyone will be interested. Targeting qualified traffic is selling to the people who actively looked for your store.

Fourth, know that SEO has its limitations. Some SEO companies can do all those things--ethically define and meet expectations, bringing you lots of qualified traffic--and still be a waste of your time and money. That doesn't mean that SEO will never work for your site--but it does mean that you need to be very careful when choosing an SEO firm.

How can you be sure that SEO won't be a total loss? Read SEO is Pointless to learn how to ensure that your SEO will never be pointless.

About the Author:
Jordan McCollum wants to make sure that you don't have to suffer from SEO that is Pointless
Submitted: 2006-10-25
Article Source: GoArticles

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