Thursday, March 29, 2007

12 Things You Really Should Know About SEO

From the very beginning of the Internet, the number one challenge which all of us have faced is how to attract qualified visitors to our websites. Throughout the boom years, one of the most popular solutions was to get massive funding, relatively easy to get in those days, and "buy" traffic, by various means.

As an iconoclastic young developer, with ambitions of beating the "big boys" at their own game, more time than money or the connections to get it, I sought a less capital intensive methodology to achieve the same results. Years of study and rapt attention to the pertinent forums, trying everything that even seemed to make sense (making many mistakes along the way, and learning much from each one), then carefully monitoring the results, has lead to many highly workable tools in our SEO bag of tricks. The outcome of these trial and error methods, (lots of both) lays the foundation of our SEO services and the basis for the ongoing growth of traffic to your website and ours.

The simple fact of the matter is this: Expertise in any other form of writing in no way qualifies one for the type of writing required to optimize a website for the Internet. There are many sites which have less than correct punctuation, grammar, and even spelling which rank #1 in their optimized search phrases. This is not to say that I don't think these things are important, only that to be found in the search engines, they are not the most important consideration.

The flip side of this argument is equally true. Just because someone knows all the ins and outs of all of the search engines, can write algorithms in their sleep, has lunches with Dr. Eric Schmidt and is on a first name basis with Larry Page and Sergey Brin, does not, in any way, make them a writer. All of the writing on this site was done as a collaborative venture between Susan K. Thompson, a professional writer with strong academic credentials and real world experience, in both business and marketing, and myself. Was there a lot of editing and re-write? Yes. Were there disagreements? You bet! Was it worth it? Look at the record.

Emerald Coast Entrepreneur was launched on May 1, 2005 with most site optimization in place and submission to the directories just beginning. With a total monetary investment of less than $100.00, and a time investment, I'd rather not think about, but which approached 300 hours, the site was given a PR5 ranking by Google on it's first update, less than 2 months after our launch.

Studies show that over 90% of all online users use search engines to find what they are looking for, whether products/services, or just plain old information.

The following twelve points will, I hope, summarize a philosophy, approach and methodology to the SEO question which is both sound and effective, along with giving some helpful insight into the industry itself.

1. Content. Content. Content.
Effective, professional, optimized Copywriting is the single, most important factor in any SEO campaign. Search engines index websites based on the content found on each page of the site. With a thorough understanding of the language and grammatical conventions combined with intensive research, to find and exploit the market focus, one can move a website to the upper echelon of the "SERP's" (Search Engine Results Page) in a methodical as well as ethical manner.

2. Analyze Web Logs.
Measure everything, at least twice, and then check again. While I would be the first to say that many of the procedures that make up website optimization are more art than science, one needs to take a very scientific approach to the results of the effort. This is done by methodically keeping a record of, and making an analysis of the sites web logs. There are a number of specialized software which make the job easier but at the bare minimum, one needs to keep a close eye on the site visitors and their activity while on the site. No matter how well planned the strategy, it is largely theoretical until proven by the results, which can only be measured by the logs, and a thorough analysis of their content.

3. No one can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google, or any other search engine.
Those who promise such feats will either optimize for such vague search term phrases (such as, "green stunted widgets with purple Polka-dots and icing") that no one will ever likely look for, or they are making a false claim, which they have no intention of keeping, or they have an inside edge at Google, something which they will loose, quickly, when the honest folks at Google find out about it. The other option, that they will take the money and run, is worth mentioning here but I'll be polite.

4. Some things are just plain silly.
You don't need to submit your site to 50,000 search engines. Businesses which offer this service are suspect, at best. 85% of the search results on the Internet come from one search engine, which, if you have one link from an established website, or better yet, a directory, will find your site just fine, on it's own. Four (4) search engines account for over 90% of the traffic on the web. As for any supposed benefit which may accrue from being listed in an obscure search engine in Botswana which specializes in safaris to the Kalahari Desert and receives 7 hits per day; well, you figure it out.

5. SEO is not Pay-per-Click.
While no one would argue the effectiveness of getting increased traffic and sales, through a well planned, pay-per-click campaign, the fact remains that the conversion rates are generally low and they cease the moment the "pay" stops. With a well planned and executed SEO campaign, while results may take a bit longer, they continue to produce, and in fact grow, long after the work is done and paid for. Quite often we have found that after a thorough optimization of a site, only minor adjustments are needed on an ongoing basis, primarily related to new content and/or new items of sale or service.

6. SEO is not witchcraft, Druidism, shamanism.
Neither does it require any special chants, ceremonial fires, or vestments, though some of us do like to howl at the full moon, on occasion. There are no "Top Secret" practices which a reputable SEO can not tell a client, a judge, or his mother, for that matter. The very nature of the Internet has always been cooperative and there is nothing about SEO that can't be learned, with a heavy dose of time and money. A reputable SEO firm will give you an item per item breakdown of just where the money goes. Be wary if you sense a secretive atmosphere or any unwillingness to answer questions. While there are technical points which might take some background to fully understand, if one has a solid overview of the entire situation, a simple explanation should be easy enough to come up with.

7. Do-it-yourself SEO.
Yes, you can execute your own SEO campaign and find a reputable SEO firm to help plan and organize it for you. About one half of my own clientele do some part of the actual work themselves, or have their in-house dedicated personnel do it, after discussion of the goals and aims of the business/website, a thorough website analysis, comprehensive search phrase research, and focused instruction on the ways and means of achieving high SERPs. These preliminaries are followed up with a detailed program of suggestions and methods which the client can then implement themselves or hire others to perform. Average savings; 30-40%.

8. Phased Implementation.
While many companies spend thousands of dollars per month on Search Engine Optimization, an alternative is available which will pay dividends to you in increased sales and leads without the high initial investment. The most important consideration is to have a reputable firm handle the initial evaluation and suggested optimization planning first. The trial and error method will cost much more, in the long run, with or without the desired result. After studying the plan and establishing a workable budget you may implement the plan as finances allow.

9. Remember the old saying, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."
Never was this more true than in the realm of SEO. While concrete and measurable gains will always come from a well thought out and executed optimization strategy, the Internet is a competitive media and we all want to be number one. Accept that a steady upward movement, over time, will place you worlds ahead of a flash followed by a crash.

10. A thought to ponder.
At stake, in the race for the top, is the very existence of your website, your business, and quite possibly your reputation. Beware of any "shortcuts" or less than ethical schemes that anyone might suggest to further your business goals. When it's all said and done it is you, the business owner, who bears the responsibility for any company or individual you hire. Insist on knowing exactly what the strategy is and what steps are being performed to implement it. If it seems, in the least, suspicious, ask for and get an explanation. In this case, not only is Ignorance not bliss, it could very well be the beginning of the end for your business.

11. All incoming links are not created equal.
Both the relevance to your line of business and website subject matter and the PR value of the incoming link determine how valuable they are to your own PR ranking. With Google starting the trend, nothing new there, and most of the others following close behind, the days of grabbing all the inbound links, in any way possible, are gone. Not only will low ranked and/or irrelevant inbound links not help, they will, in fact, cause a penalty. Link farms, free-for-all link schemes, automated link accumulation software, or any other fad that doesn't carefully screen the links and websites they are coming from will, in the long run, do more harm than good.

12. It's more than just facts and figures.
The relationship between an online business and SEO is, perhaps, one of the closest of business relationships. In order to be effective, a SEO must know not only the facts and figures pertaining to the endeavor, but s/he must know something of the dreams and aspirations of the business principals. Things which don't normally come out in a prospectus are often invaluable information when searching for the "right fit" into the complex world of the Internet. My own clients sometimes ask, due to the frequency of my calls and email in the early phases, "Am I your only client?" I usually laugh and say something to the effect that until I know your business almost as well as you do, yes, you are the only one that counts.

About the author:
James 'Doc' Lewis spends much of his professional time as SEO for Emerald Coast Entrepreneur. Doc started practicing his magic long before the term SEO was even coined and continues to study and perfect methods of workable and cost effective SEO and SEM, devising unique solutions to diverse marketing challenges.
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tips For Exchanging Links :: Make It Count!

Reciprocal Link Exchanges can increase your website's visibility in search engines... If they are true reciprocal links. When making Reciprocal Link Exchanges, Make it count!

Search for link partners by key words. Exchange links with other websites within your Niche Market.

-For example, if your site is about web design, you will want to exchange links with other web designers, web templates and resources related to the web

-Likewise, if your website is related to Toys, you'll want to exchange links with sites that target your market. Keywords such as: toys, dolls, games, children, kids, parents.

-Keywords that you would use to promote your site will provide you with a good indication of sites you should exchange links with.

Select a key Link Text

-Your link text is generally your title. You want to select a few key words and focus on that as your title. As above, if your website is about web design, you will want to pick a few keywords and always use that in your link exchanges. A good suggestion if we are following our first example above would be: Web Design -

--Do not use all caps in your title

--Do not use excessive punctuation in your title

--Do not use excessive keywords in your title

Be consistent. When you are adding your domain name, utilize the complete domain: ( always include the www )

- and are different. If you want to make each exchange count, promote ONE format only.

Select a solid description

-Do not fill descriptions with keywords. This most likely will get your site rejected from being posted on most reciprocal link exchanges

-The majority of link exchange scripts have a limit of 255 characters. It's a good idea to keep it short and sweet, but also include a few key words. If we're continuing with the example above, a sample description we'd use is:

--A professional, affordable, website design firm specializing in SEO design, e-commerce and scripting solutions.

Keep a Spreadsheet

-Depending on the link exchange software you are using, you may have to keep tabs on the exchanges you initiate with a spreadsheet. Make a note of the URL you have visited and the date that you requested the exchange. When you receive the conformation email of approval, add in the URL where your link was posted. If you are using an online script to maintain your reciprocal links, you can enter in the reciprocal link in that database as well. If your link was denied, feel free to remove their link from your website. After all, it's a reciprocal link exchange only if both parties exchange links ;-)

When visiting sites for link exchange, ensure there is a link from the main page to their directory. If you cannot easily find their reciprocal link directory, you can bet the search engine can't find it either. Look for links that read:


-Link Exchange

-Link Exchange Partners

-Link Partners

-Link to Us

-Add your Link


-Other Sites

Ensure their link exchange software of your reciprocal link partner is Search Engine Friendly. This is the ONLY way that your exchange will count!

-You can validate outgoing links as a spider sees it by using a Search Engine Simulator. Visit one of your partner's directory pages, and cut and paste the URL into the search engine simulator, submit it and it will show you how many outbound links there are on that page. Looking into it you'll be amazed at how many scripts available do not provide you with proper back link credit.

Validating True Reciprocal Link Exchange Partners, is the key to make each back link count!

About the Author:
LND Marketing, an internet marketing team, mentoring and training home-based business seekers on the internet for over 9 years. Is now supporting True Reciprocal Link Exchanges.
Article Source:

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Real Estate SEO: Linking Your Way to Online Visibility

When you make your real estate website more visible to search engines, you also make it more visible to your target audience. This is the whole point of real estate search engine optimization (SEO) – to help potential clients find you online.

Link building plays a major role in search engine visibility. By "link building," I mean increasing the number of websites that link to yours. Search engines, particularly Google, use link popularity to help evaluate and rank your website. Link popularity refers to the number, quality and relevance of inbound links from other websites to yours.

Okay, so links are important. But how do you go about finding them? How do you convince other websites to link to yours? Follow these seven steps to link-building success, and you'll be well on your way.

1. Start on your own website.
Link building begins on your own website. All too often, I see website owners throw up a new site and go out hunting for links before they have a website worth linking to.

Think about it for a moment. Aside from web directories and other paid listings, who would link to a bare-bones website with nothing unique, helpful or interesting to offer? I know I wouldn't. If you start a link-building campaign before your website has earned its place on the web, you're going to have a long, hard time of it.

On the other hand, if you develop the kind of website that makes others in your industry or community say, "Wow, that's really something! I know some folks who would like that," your link-building efforts will be much easier. It all starts with what you put into your website.

2. Pursue the right kinds of links.
Sure, you want a lot of links to your website. We all do. But you should always put link quality before link quantity. Jim Boykin, SEO expert and owner of, said it best: "It's not always 'He with the most links' who wins the game … Really, very often, he with the right 10 links can beat the guy with 1,000 of the wrong links."

What makes for a quality link? Generally speaking, the most valuable links (for SEO purposes) are those that come from older, well-established sites within your topic area. For instance, a direct link from a site like will offer more SEO benefit than a hundred links from brand new, low-ranking websites.

3. Use your imagination.
Links are everywhere. They are what make the web, well … a web. So link-building opportunities are everywhere, as well. You can gain links by syndicating press releases, publishing articles online, adding your website to directories, growing a blog, participating in forums, plus a number of other tactics. When you combine quality content or a unique website with a strong imagination, your link opportunities are limitless.

4. Alternate your link text.
To gain visibility for more of your key phrases, it's a good ideas to mix up your link text. By "link text," I'm referring to the words that make up the actual hyperlink. For instance, instead of having a thousand incoming links that use the phrase "Anytown real estate," you could rotate between "Anytown real estate" and "Anytown home buying" and "Real estate agents in Anytown" … you get the idea. This will help your website rank well for more phrases, thereby increasing the number of ways people can find you.

5. Track your progress.
Tracking your link-building progress helps you measure your long-term success. It can also be a morale booster to know your efforts are paying off. You want to see some positive results to justify your hard work, don't you? Of course you do. So keep track of your link-building progress the same way you keep track of your overall website traffic and rankings.

There are a number of online tools that can help you identify inbound links from other websites to yours. Yahoo Site Explorer is my personal favorite. You can use Site Explorer ( to find out which websites link to yours. You can also export this information into a spreadsheet for further use. Nice, huh?

I check my inbound links once per month. That way, I can see my link popularity growing right before my eyes. It's a nice way to validate all the hard work I put into it!

6. Keep the big picture in mind.
Sure, links play a major role in your website's visibility. But there's a lot more to SEO than links. So if you tend to get carried away with individual tasks, like I sometimes do, you might want to create a schedule of SEO tasks. This will prevent you from spending too much time on any one task. Set aside some time for link building, article publishing, website improvement, etc.

More importantly, don't adopt "SEO tunnel vision" to the point you neglect your website's primary offering (whether that be products, services, content, or a combination of the three).

7. Enjoy aging well.
One of my favorite things about search engine optimization is how it gets easier as you go. When you put the right fundamentals in place up front, you'll be able to increase your website's visibility with less effort over time. Most search engines -- and especially Google -- place a lot of emphasis on the age of your web domain, your individual web pages, and the links coming into those web pages. Like a good wine, links get better with age!

* You may republish this article online if you retain the author's byline and the active hyperlinks below. Copyright 2006, Austin SEO Guy.

About the Author:
Brandon Cornett is the author of The Agent's Guide to Search Engine Visibility, a 130-page SEO training kit designed specifically for real estate agents. Learn more about real estate SEO by visiting:
Article Submitted On: October 21, 2006
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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Seo India: Tips & Techniques By Ravz

SEO is all about "Individualism"

According to me SEO is not only getting rank for keywords (Of course that is the primary objective) but apart from ranking your objective should be "Conversion" getting "Sales" (No matter if its personal site or clients site)

SEO Steps:

1. Understanding Business.
# What is your business all about
# How is it going to Operate.
# Target audience (Global/Local)
# Opportunity
# Competitor study operating in same business.
# "Core competence"

2. Target Keywords.
# Getting a good list of keywords. (More keywords maximum number of ppl can be targeted)
# This is something that will directly reflect your efforts (targeting wrong keyword will get all your efforts in vain)

3. WEB Designing.
# Navigation
# Page size
# looks n feel
# inter linking
# HTML Code validation*

4. Meta tags & Content
# Title
# Description
# Keywords
# Content

*This is something all seo do in their style, some do not emphasis more on 1st point (according to me which is very important) & shoot up with 3rd step then 2nd & 4th.

5. Directories
# They are the boss (More the submission to directories more the chance to rank top for targeted keyword)

6. Link Building
# I am very bad at this (This is something which can do wonders for you)

I am still in process to transferring my skills & knowledge to a Brand "SEO Expert" or "SEO Specialist"


About the Author:
Ravz D. is into research & analysis of online marketing. SEO India site which offers Search Engine Optimization at affordable prices.
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Friday, March 23, 2007

Duplicate Pages and Search Engines

Most of us been there when it comes to duplicate pages. You may have news, articles from news companies that provide you with the news feed. Or you might have your website designed by third party that uses same tools on all their clients' websites.

But did you know that this duplicate content can lower your search engine ranking? It today SEO driven website world it is important to avoid duplicate content as much as possible.

What are duplicate pages for search engines?

It is obvious that duplicate means same as something else. For search engines it means same exact page, same exact title, keywords etc. Search Engines send their spiders, for example Google's spider is called googlebot, Yahoo has yahoo slurp, to crawl your website for content or information. These spiders look for certain information: What is this page about? Is it relevant to your website at all? etc.

If any of these search engines find same content on a different website, it starts to compare the content. First is looks when this content was indexed and from website it was submitted first to search engines. Than it starts to look for links. Are there any links on these pages that point to same source? This way search engine can determine who is the priority website and assigned a higher rank to that site.

But what about rest of the web-sites? What will happen to them? If you have an articles, news that are duplicate content you website will go lower in search engines. It may take some time until search engine actually visits your website and assigns a duplicate content filter. Search engines will simple filter your website out of their search.

What if you pay a licensing fee for these articles!

The only way for search engines such as Google to understand this, is when you e-mail them and explain about your content. You will need to do a re-inclusion request.

What if you like free articles published on different article sites!

No matter what you do, search engine will hit you with duplicate content, however you can teach search engine about your content.

First, reduce number of articles that you have copied. Get some new fresh well written articles. Make sure that majority of your content is your own and rest is articles.

Second, articles must be related to your field. If you write about real estate, make sure you stick with real estate, finance articles only. Show search engines that you have categories and your readers benefit from these articles.

Third, do a re-inclusion request and wait. In few weeks you should see some movement in your site ranking. If it is not improving, reduce the number of articles again.

With free articles is cat and mouse game all over. It is hard to figure out as how algorithm is set in Google for duplicate content as well as how Google deals with re-produced articles that you can freely post anywhere.

What if you have a website that was designed by third company?

Most website companies use same templates or similar templates. That is they give you and rest of their clients same and exact FAQ pages, About Us pages, etc.

You want to avoid this as soon as possible. Always rewrite these articles by yourself. This way you will create unique pages for your website.

Duplicate content is one of the biggest mistakes many webmasters do when it comes to creating websites. Always try to create your own posts and if you really want to expand your article base, make sure you provide a valuable content to your users, not just another article website.

About the Author:
Martin Lukac, represents, search engine marketing web-site for search engine optimization and website submission. Promote your website and get top rotating positions on over 250+ search engines, including a niche website submission. also operates and real estate portal
Posted: 27-02-2007
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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Denver Colorado’s web design

Web design, Web site design, web development are different terms that end up meaning the construction of a web site. The process of web design involves a lot of technologies that include programming, server configuration, hosting, graphic design, database technologies and a lot of marketing techniques like PPC (Pay per click), SEO (Search Engine Optimization) etc. Web design has evolved in the past few years and there are a host of companies – large and small offering many packages and services.

These companies have come up all across the globe and service global clients facilitated by the advent and spread of the internet. Denver, Colorado is no exception. The web design companies in Denver are varied and offer a lot of services from hosting to SEO. Denver web design companies offer hosting at very cheap prices and boast of very reliable and secure server infrastructure at their disposal.

Many Denver web site design companies also offer vertical integration solutions beginning from hsting, programming, design, development, maintenance and marketing solutions to customers who are looking at turnkey online business solutions. In keeping company with these web design companies, Denver internet marketing companies also offer great deals by offering Pay Per Click, Adsense and Search engine optimization services at very affordable rates and customizable solutions as per the requirement of the client.

Denver web site design companies also offer update facilities for your website. Most Denver we design programmers are updated and capable of utilizing the most modern technologies to make a web site more presentable and marketable by offering advanced graphic design and latest programming languages like PHP, MySQL and Ajax, greatly improving the performance, look and speed of your outdated web site probably made in HTML.

The strategy involved in making a web site is very simple. Take a look at the competition, isolate what works for them, analyze their SWOT and use the techniques that work along with a brand new design and structure. Denver web design companies are experts at this process and employ the cream of development professionals in the country.

If you already own a web site, you would know that the secret to a good web site is not the design and color but the amount of sales it rings in. Again the factor depends upon the marketability i.e the presence of your website and the search engine ranking it has. This is a part of SEO that involves many strategies of structure, design, keywords, links and content. All these aspects are easily taken care of by a Denver web site design company, since most of these companies have good SEO professionals on their payroll.

Branding, usability, navigation, functionality and a good GUI are just a few aspects of a good web site design. Check out any of the Denver web site design companies today to get the best out of your web site.

About the Author:
Glover media provide Denver web design for your well designed, clean and professional web sites that reflect the attitude and spirit of your company with Colorado Web Design.
Article Source:

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

SEO And The Outsourcing Of Inbound Link Building

Search Engine Optimization nowadays has a lot to do with building inbound links to your website. Building inbound links is a cumbersome tasks and webmasters have always been looking for shortcuts to do this. Webmasters buy links (as advertising as an example) or contact other webmasters to exchange links with them. The need for inbound links has created a new business opportunity in the search engine optimization industry. The outsourcing of link building emerged from the fact that many inbound links mean a high search engine ranking and/or a high Google PageRank.

There are many different ways of building inbound links. Outsourcing this tasks can save the webmaster a lot of time but it comes with a price tag. Businesses offering to take over the link building process often maintain and operate a large network of domains and websites and just add 'your' link to their sites. These sites are often referred to as link farms.

Others buy links on 3rd party websites for you. They often have build up a portfolio of websites/webmasters they work with. The quality of these links is often questionable and a long-term benefit does not exist. It either continues to cost the webmaster money to keep the links alive or his website might get punished by Google and other search engines if the linking websites are recognized as part of commercial search engine spamming. Punished means that either the link to a site does not have any value at all or depending on the situation the site linked to gets removed from the search engine index (worse case scenario) if other factors are involved that lead to the conclusion that search engine spamming is going on.

Outsourcing of link building also takes away the control of who is linking to a website from the webmaster. The webmaster usually just pays for X number of links but there is no option to have industry related websites link to his site (= increased value of a link). It is also difficult to verify how many links to a website have really been established from the service provider. Another difficulty is to verify how long the established links are staying in place. The danger of being over-charged is very high.

Since link building has become a profitable business opportunity search engines are aware of what is going on and are putting countermeasures in place. These are not things visible to the webmaster or explained on the search engines website. These are factors that are worked into the algorithm. Search engines use the human control factor more and more often to increase the value of the search index. Chances are that if a webmaster uses an outsourced link building strategy that at one point the campaign value goes south (turns sour).

Inbound link building should be an organic process that shows a slowly increasing number of links pointing to a certain website. Getting a high number of inbound links within a very short period will raise a warning flag at search engines. Honest webmasters will stay away from these tactics to avoid putting the success of a website at risk when there are better ways of building inbound links.

About the author:
Christoph Puetz is a successful entrepreneur and international book author. Examples of his search engine optimization work can be found at and
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Monday, March 19, 2007

Skills Needed For Search Engine Optimization

Since search engine optimization is still a relatively new concept, a lot of business establishments think it best to hire search engine optimization firms to handle the online marketing side of their businesses. But what if you can’t afford to hire the services of search engine optimization firms? What if you’re just starting the business and you don’t have enough money for additional advertising? If so, all you can rely on is yourself.

But there’s no need to worry just yet because search engine optimization is easier than what you – and many others – think. Granted, it takes practice before you can truly optimize search engine results for your website or business but it’s at least a very possible and achievable goal. First, however, we shall concentrate on the skills you need for search engine optimization.

Knowing Your Target Market
If you want search engine optimization for your website, you have to know your target market. Because the Internet is such a vast place to explore, knowing your target market would mean more readers for your target market because they can easily relate and understand what you’re talking about.

The Content of Your Ad
Let’s just say you do know your target market already and everything inside your website – from the first word till the very last punctuation used – is meant to convince the reader to purchase the product. But wait…how do they get to your website first? And that’s when search engine optimization comes in once more. With engine optimization, it’s a guarantee that your website would receive more clicks.

But what could put your website on top of MSN and Google searches? The answer: the content of your ad. Since most companies prefer to use text ads because they’re shorter, more cost efficient and less irritating, you have to maximize the content of your ad. Make sure that you’re able to convey your message in the shortest, clearest and most effective way possible.

The Use of Keywords
Keyword is one of the major factors affecting search engine optimization. If you want to optimize searches done by MSN, Google or Yahoo, you have to make sure that the keyword list you use under your company’s name should be the very keywords your target market would type in the search box.

When it comes to keywords, there are only two things that matters: spelling and relevance. Make sure that you include keywords in their correct and incorrect spellings if the keyword is the type to be commonly misspelled such as Czechoslovakia or die-cast (sometimes spelled as one word). And of course, lastly, it has to be relevant.

About the Author:
Michael Colucci is a writer for a website submission services business at - A company that offers seo services, search engine submission and manual directory submission services.
Article Source:

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Analyzing the Competition - Check Indexes

The beauty of the Internet is the inherent open nature of competition. It is so open, you can check indexes when analyzing the competition to improve your site.

Analyzing the Competition

A key step to any search engine optimization effort is to analyze the competition. The simplest way to do this is to simply go to their site and look at the code. Most browsers let you do this by clicking the "view" tab and then selecting "source."

You competition isn’t stupid. Many sites will bar browsers from showing source code using the above technique. If your competition takes this step, is there anything you can do? Yes, there is.


Almost everyone knows how to check if his or her site is indexed in a search engine. Simply go to the engine and search for "site:yourdomainname." This technique can also be used to see what your competition is up to.

If you want to see a glimpse of how a competitor is pursuing search engine optimization, check how many pages are indexed in the relevant search engine. Do a search for "site:competitorsdomainname." You’ll be presented with a list of their pages, the meta title and meta description. This works particularly well with Google.

The resulting list of pages can be analyzed in a couple of different ways. First, you can isolate the particular keywords being pursued by the site. These should then be compared to your site to ascertain whether you’re missing anything. You almost always are missing a key niche. Second, you can analyze the meta description to see both the layout and particular formation of sentences and keyword placement they are pursuing. Again, compare it to yours. Using this process, you can get an idea of how your efforts differ from a competitor.

Importantly, this approach should not be overvalued. It is only a glimpse of the competitor’s site, not a thorough review. It will tell you nothing about how pages are arranged, keyword density approaches and so on. You’ll have to hunt and peck around the site for that information. Still, the meta information gained from this approach makes it worth a go if you are shut out from the code of a site.

About the Author:
Halstatt Pires is with - providing Internet marketing services.
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Friday, March 16, 2007

How to Make a Sitemap For Your Website In Five Steps.

A website's sitemap can be compared to the table of contents of a book. The sitemap is important because it guides visitors to the parts of the website in which they are interested. The sitemap allows surfers to reach their destination without wasting time.

Sitemaps are also important from the point of view of search engines. If the search engine finds a sitemap it is much more likely that your page will be fully visited (spidered) and indexed; allowing web surfers to find your pages in their searches.

Creating a sitemap is now easier than it used to be as software and online sitemap generation has become more common. It is worthwhile though to know how the process works and so this article will describe how to build your own sitemap using Notepad, a webpage creator and a little patience.

1) Create the site's listing on using Notepad.

It is not necesary to use Notepad, any wordprocessing software will work, but all Windows PCs have the program. Firstly, type in all pages and all links you have on the site. Create it as though you were listing the contents of a book. Make a draft version first and then go through the site again; in this way you are less likely to miss anything out.

2) Make a new web page for the sitemap.

You can insert the sitemap in your website on an existing page or create an entirely new page. Take the listing of pages and links that you made previously and copy/paste them into your website creator program and lay out the pages and links. If you made the site you are working on by yourself this part will be easy!

3) Insert a link to the sitemap.

You won’t be able to aee the sitemap if you don't have a link for it. Create a link on the front page of the site so that visitors can see it as soon as they land on your index/home page and be directed appropriately.

4) Check your the sitemap!

It is important to check that the map works. Test every link on the page, if you get any errors, fix it accurately (and immediately so you do not forget!). Run through every page to make sure that all are accounted for - no missing pages.

5) Upload the sitemap.

Place the sitemap and modified home/index page on your webhost and double check it. It should work as smoothly as it did the final dry run. Errors should be absent at this stage since you already checked it locally (but do check!).

The steps provided above are the manual way to create a sitemap. If you search on the web, you will find online programs that can do all this work for you. All you need do is type in the URL of your website and the sitemap will be created with the click of a button.

The problem with on-line sitemap makers is that the results are generic. All who create their sitemap that way will have a result that that is very similar, unless you customise the appearance yourself. Worse still is the possibility that something else will be inserted in there too; advertising, or links back to the software maker's site. Then again though, the process is less hard work and much simpler.

If you want a more personal result and appearance and you are OK with computers, better make one of your own. Since you made your own site anyway, creating a sitemap is just the same as creating any other page on your site. Other advantages are that you will know for sure that the links are accurate and you can organize the the layout of the links the way you prefer. You can emphasize major parts of the site compared to less significant parts, you have a hand in controlling how the user users your website. This element of control is paticularly important if you are selling products or services online.

A sitemap is a vital part of a website. People search the web looking for something. If your website has what the searcher is looking for, and your sitemap tells the searcher, then you may well have a new customer looking at your items. Not only that, they might just see some other items that they might be interested in as well.

A sitemap, whether it is generated by a program or made by yourself, has the same purpose - to lead your visitors to where they want to go, and for you to be seen on the internet through search engines. So make sure your website has a sitemap and be seen!

About the Author:
Michael Z. Johnson has been writing for quite some time. He now runs an article directory at that carries over 26,000 articles, reviews and how-to's for article marketers and content users and the list is growing every day. For more about marketing your internet business
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Monday, March 12, 2007

Different kinds of Keywords

Keyword can be classified into three categories :

-Single word Keyword
-Multiple word Keyword
-Keywords based on Theme

Keyword(s) are basic raw material used in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Keyword selection or Keyword Research as it is called technically, where we use special tools to find out a list of Keywords (search terms) searched by targeted audience, recently. Keyword can be single word, two or three words, multiple words and theme based.

Lets detail each of these one by one . Understanding these categories of keywords would also help one to decide as to their targeting on specific pages.

#Keyword of Single word

Keyword of Single word is used to target a large traffic but leads to highly competition category of sites. Keyword of Single word are known as generic Keyword(s) where we target general audience. Keyword of Single word does not help to target a specific page for a specific audience.

Although, Keyword of Single word helps in bringing huge traffic but these terms are mostly not relevant these days, as, searchers mostly use two or three keyword to find out their required information.

Instead single word keywords are good theme keywords.

We can use these primary keyword 5 to 7 times in a web page for good theming according of a site. The inside pages of the site can qualify these themes into product or service categories by adding qualifiers to these theming keywords.


Keyword “Services” will produce result of all the web sites related to Services which can be United States Department of Health and Human Services, The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services, direct Services, online Services, offline Services, Indian Services, American Services, food Services, agricultural Services, business Services, free Services, paid Services, etc.

#Keyword of Multiple words

Keyword of Multiple words is used to target a specific traffic, which leads to high sale, top position in search result listing as well as improves page rank competition. Keyword of Multiple words are known as Specific Keyword(s) where we target a specific audience & not general searcher. Keyword of Multiple words helps to target a specific page for a specific audience.

Keyword of Multiple words, more often than not are location specific and related to geographic area of your intended services or products.

#Keywords based on Theme

Keyword based on Theme are used to target a highly targeted audience, which leads to quick high sale, top position in search result listing as well as boosts page rank. Keywords based on Theme are known as Conceptual Keyword(s).

Keywords based on Theme consists all possible primary Keywords related to the web site therefore attracts high traffic of targeted audience. Keywords based on Theme add quality by providing Keyword Rich Text to search engines, which improve results and provide targeted search result listings.

Keywords based on Theme are used in each page of web site to focus on a specific topic correlated to a targeted topic or idea (theme). Keywords based on Theme effectively contribute in growth of informative pages for its site focusing on different related topics.

About the author:
I'm Rakesh Ojha and I have been into SEO field for the last 4 years. I'll be submitting more articles on SEO topics in the future.
I work as Manager - Online Marketing in an indian Firm - Mosaic Services (
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Friday, March 09, 2007

Google Seo - What To And What Not To Do

In Google SEO (search engine optimization), you, the webmaster, wage war with Googlebot, Google's listing spider. Only this war has no weapons. Instead it is your content veruses the army of Googlebot's other sites to rank.

To win this war there are things the webmaster must do, and things the webmaster must not do, should he stand a chance in winning the war and claiming a position on the top 20 results of Google.

There are many things a webmaster must do to take the edge of Googlebot. First and foremost, create the website. Let it be something unique, or better than the rest. Add pages on top of pages of content. You could put articles, information, anything. With one exception. It MUST be relevant to your website. After you have about 10 pages worth of content, get some links to your site. Submit to directories, loads of them. Try to submit to directories without a reciporical link requirenment. Also use word-of-mouth advertising to get a view visitors. As soon as you have some links, some visitors, and loads of content, hit your view visitors with a boom. Offer rewards for who could refer the most members, or who could submit the most articles, or anything to promote your site. Also remember to squeese in possible keywords in your content, and DO NOT forget meta tags, they are the key to SEO.

You may have noticed, I never mentioned when to submit your site to Google, that's the thing, don't. If google picks up your site before you submit it, you get a way better rank.

Now you have come up with a very good SEO website. Now you need to make sure not to blow it. Whatever you do, DON'T:

1: Have link exchanges with non-relevant sites, this will hurt you.

2: Do not cheat. Cheating is placing "invisible" keywords on your site. (white text on white background) Googlebot picks it up, and boom, no more rank on Google.

3: If you find the need to submit your site, do it, ONCE. If you submit twice then, say goodbye to your rank.

That's all and good luck with the SEO. With this, good keywords, and minimal compition, you will get within the top 20 of Google.

About the Author:
Abe Smith owner of the Webmaster Forum ( enjoys writing articles and tutorials about web programming, SEO, and computer security. I can be contacted at Please contact me if you would like to use this article on your website (for free).
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Thursday, March 01, 2007

5 Incredible SEO Tips That Never Fails

The term SEO is very familiar to anyone who knows what online business is and what it is all about. There are many people and many institutions that have unbelievable achievements to their name. But all these achievements will come to a naught if there is no authority to officially recognize this amazing feat. So is the case in online business and marketing. Any feat achieved by an online site on the web must be recognized by search engines to be taken seriously in the internet. SEO tips are the sources through which you can make search engines sit up and take notice of your site.

SEO tips are the methods by implementing which you are sure to attract the attention of major search engines. Yes, you may have the best looking website with amazing text and content, but what is the use if no one has any knowledge about your site. If you have a site running on the web and major search engines do not have inkling about your site, then what is the use of having such a site? I have found out and compiled a list of 5 incredible SEO tips that are guaranteed to help you in making search engines notice your site on the web.

First and foremost you must make sure that you know what SEO also known as search engine optimization is all about. How can you ever go about doing something about which you have no knowledge? So first of all equip yourself with all things that you can about optimization on the web. There are different ways that you can use for making major search engines take notice of your online site.

Blog building is one method that has been very successful for optimizing a site on the web. For this first you will have to create a database of websites with which you can exchange links and build up a chain, so that your site is visible everywhere on the web. While building up the database make sure that you search and find out those sites that are relevant to your site and product which you are selling on the web.

Do proper keyword research. One good way of finding out proper keyword for a site is by thinking what words are most likely to be used by visitors for searching information about the product and service that you are offering to them for sale. There are also some keyword selection tools that you can use for finding out relevant keywords. Wordtracker, overture, digital point forum are some of the major keyword tracking tools.

Writing title for each page of you site is also a good way of going about attracting search engine bots. The title of a webpage contains the relevant keyword and keyword phrases. The title is also important from the visitor point of view. So if you visit a site and want to know what the site is all about and also its relevance by viewing the title of the page through the source code.

Writing articles using the keyword of your site is also a good way for optimizing your site on the web. You can write articles and publish these articles in different article sites. This is also a great source for you help in spreading the link of your site on the World Wide Web. Articles are also a great source of information to online visitors.

Read all the above mentioned SEO tips very carefully. Implement them in your site and I am sure you will very easily be able to optimize your site in major search engines on the web. And once you have optimized your site on the web, your business can grow by leaps and bounds.

About the Author:
Steve Waganer has specialization in Web Marketing. He is expert in Search engine optimization, Affiliated Marketing,search engine marketing and Website Marketing.To get his expert advice for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit
Added: 29 Sep 2006
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